Branham Lab: Insect Systematics and Behavior
Marc A. Branham           Personnel           Awards           Research           Pubs           Firefly ID Keys           Broader Impacts           Links

Broader Impacts

1) Museum Exhibits
  • "Creatures of Light Traveling Exhibition" organized by the American Museum of Natural History, New York, in collaboration with the Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada, and The Field Museum, Chicago. Dr. M.A. Branham served as a consultant for the entomological content of the exhibit. Some of his research on fireflies was also highlighted in this 10 year traveling exhibit.
2) Outreach
  • Milstein Family Science Program on Bioluminescence: Creatures of Light, American Museum of Natural History, New York, N.Y. "The Evolution of Fireflies and Their Courtship Signals." The Milstein Science Series is a unique and powerful expression of the Museum's mission to illuminate science and inspire visitors with current research. The Milstein Science Series is a rare and rich opportunity for local and international families to engage with real scientists and their work. The series helps bring fresh perspectives and personal relevance to the content of the Milstein Hall of Ocean Life, expanding the audience for the Hall and increasing its educational impact. [One of three invited speakers. Estimated audience in attendance >4,750 people] website

  • ROTUNDA Magazine, American Museum of Natural History. Firefly Research, Featured Article/Interview. PDF PDF reprint

  • Firefly Signaling. News and Blogs, American Museum of Natural History. website

  • As Firefly Numbers Seem to Slide, Researchers Ponder Effects on Ecosystems. News and Blogs, American Museum of Natural History. website

  • "Gardening in a Minute," IFAS Extension, National Public Radio, 2008, 2010. Contributor to and reviewer for radio segment on "Attracting fireflies to your garden."

  • "Ask the Experts" participant. Scientific American magazine, 2005. Reader submitted questions are directed toward experts in the field. Dr. Branham's answers appeared both online and in the print edition of Scientific American magazine. PDF PDF reprint

  • Consultant for natural history film "Beetle Mania," produced by the BBC and National Geographic Explorer 1995. Aspects of Dr. Branham's master's research were filmed for the firefly segment of the movie.
3) Popular Press


Marc and Dr. Chuck Triplehorn
Marc and Dr. Chuck Triplehorn at the Museum of Biological Diversity Open House, The Ohio State University, 2019

Recreation of the glowworms from the Waitomo cave system, New Zealand. Creatures of Light Traveling Exhibition, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY. 2012

Some of the displays featuring the biology, behavior and evolution of fireflies. Creatures of Light Traveling Exhibition, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY. 2012

Kristen & Molly
Kristen & Molly

Branham Lab, Department of Entomology & Nematology, University of Florida, P.O. Box 110620, Gainesville, FL 32611-0620
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